Monday, May 11, 2009

The Time Is Now

39 more days until I compete in my first 5k! I thought I would have more training for running in by now, but time has been pretty sparse for me lately. While I feel like I am more "conditioned" than I was a couple of months ago I need to get out there and jog.

After classes this week I will be able to focus more on my long-term health and fitness goals. I'm looking forward to being selfish and just concentrating on me, but yet why do I sometimes feel guilty about doing that?

One of my graduation presents for myself I am going to schedule a massage and a pedicure. This will be FANtastic!

Time to get focused now on some school projects. Till tomorrow...see ya!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Do You Zumba?

One of the most important things in staying active is finding something that you enjoy doing.

I have always loved to dance so when I heard my gym was going to be offering a new dance class, Zumba, it peaked my interest. Zumba is a form of Latin dancing that many fitness clubs around the word are incorporating into their class offerings. Currently I also take a step class twice a week, and yoga twice a week. Incorporating a dance class seemed like the thing to do.

After my first class I just loved it! It was so much fun - the music, the dancing, and the instructor. The hour goes by so fast. How great is that? I look forward to my Zumba classes twice weekly, and find that it's been a great addition to my weekly workout.